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ACTG IND study financial disclosure form template.
Guidance for implementing protocol clarifications or changes.
Informed Consent documents are in the process of being updated to be compliant with the revised Common Rule.
DAIDS expedited adverse event (EAE) reporting template.
DAIDS final protocol template language for protocol registration (April 2010).
DAIDS sample Informed consent template, stored samples and associated health information for future research use.
Informed Consent documents are in the process of being updated to be compliant with the revised Common Rule.
Purpose: To define general informed consent procedures. Scope: This procedure applies to all staff involved in obtaining informed consent. (Adapted from the Microbicide Trials Network)
Purpose: To define informed assent/permission/consent procedures for potential participants who are children. Scope: This procedure applies to all staff involved in obtaining informed assent, parental permission, and consent when children are research participants. (Adapted from the…
Informed Consent documents are in the process of being updated to be compliant with the revised Common Rule.
DAIDS protocol specific informed consent template—general use.
Informed Consent documents are in the process of being updated to be compliant with the revised Common Rule.