About Personnel Information and the DAIDS RSC Clinical Study Information Office (CSIO)
The DAIDS RSC Clinical Study Information Office (CSIO) receives and abstracts staff contact information into the DAIDS-ES Master Contact module within NCRMS for use by the NIAID/DAIDS and their collaborators in support of DAIDS-supported and/or -sponsored clinical trials. This includes Clinical Research Site (CRS) information and contact information for site personnel. For more information see the CSIO FAQs.
Clinical Research Site Personnel Who Should be in the DAIDS-ES
At a minimum, the information for the below CRS staff should be included and maintained in the DAIDS-ES within NCRMS.
- CRS Leader
- CRS Coordinator
- CTU Principal Investigator
- CTU Coordinator
Note: In addition, any personnel who are identified as Submitters and/or Reporters in the DAIDS Adverse Event Reporting System (DAERS) need to be included in the DAIDS-ES. For more information see the DAERS FAQs. Also, for updates or changes to key personnel roles noted above a request from the CTU Business Official must be submitted to the DAIDS Program Officer and approval must be obtained before changes to these roles are completed. For more information please see the Clinical Research Site Personnel Qualifications, Training and Responsibilities Section of the DAIDS SCORE Manual.
Information Required to Add or Update a Person in the DAIDS-ES
The DAIDS-ES is a valuable tool that allows CRS’s to update and maintain accurate contact information for their CRS staff. The following guidelines provide detailed instruction on accessing the CRS Profile Report in the DAIDS Protocol Registration System (DPRS), and updating site personnel information in the DAIDS Adverse Experience Reporting System (DAERS).
Accessing and Maintaining Site Personnel Information in the DAIDS-ES
The DAIDS-ES can be directly accessed at: https://ncrms.niaid.nih.gov/
Alternatively, an email requesting to add or update personnel in the DAIDS-ES may be sent to: CSIO@tech-res.com
When requesting to add a person, the following information is required:
- Name (First and Last)
- Role
- Organization
Note: The Investigator of Record (IoR) role also requires a physical address.