Summary of Resources for Clinical Research Sites

The DAIDS RSC is a contract-based organization that provides comprehensive clinical regulatory support to DAIDS  for all NIAID/DAIDS-supported and/or sponsored network and non-network clinical trials, both domestic and international. These pages are designed to facilitate the most common activities CRSs engage in that are supported by the DAIDS RSC.

Entering/updating site personnel and contact information in the DAIDS-Enterprise System (DAIDS-ES) within the NIAID Clinical Research Management System (NCRMS)?

Writing a protocol?

Searching for a DAIDS training?

Registering a site to a DAIDS protocol?

Reporting safety events for your DAIDS

Transferring Documents for storage?

Looking for DAIDS SOPs and Policies?

Looking for your DAIDS Office of Clinical Site Oversight (OCSO) Program Officer?

  • Find this and other important information by accessing your CRS Profile Report in NCRMS.

Looking for a list of countries requiring clinical trial insurance? 

Visit the Clinical Trials Insurance page.

Looking for protocol registry information?

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