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Formatted specifically for printing. applicable, to special instructions to keep in mind while entering values.
Who are DAIDS collaborators? How are they involved in the protocol development lifecycle? And other information about collaborators.
Process for collection of financial disclosure by clinical investigators conducting DAIDS-sponsored IND trials.
Guidance for implementing protocol clarifications or changes.
DAIDS Memo Regarding Timing of Consent and Re-Consent with Updated IRB/EC/RE-Approved Informed Consent Forms.
DAIDS protocol registration basic training.
DAIDS protocol risk ranking data capture and distribution standard operating procedure, worksheet and flow chart.
Worksheet designed to assign risk levels to protocols for prioritizing clinical site monitoring resources.
Informed Consent documents are in the process of being updated to be compliant with the revised Common Rule.
DAIDS expedited adverse event (EAE) reporting template.
DAIDS final protocol template language for protocol registration (April 2010).
Division of AIDS review of imformed consent forms, impact of the HIPAA privacy rule.